So why fly by the seat of your pants? Make December, make today, the day you set your goals. Start forming habits now so when January rolls around you are sharp and ready! Here are three reasons why I feel goal setting is important:
1. Setting goals brings about motivation
When you have written goals it creates a sense of accountability therefore, motivation to see those goals met.
2. You set yourself up for success
Who doesn’t want to better themselves? Setting goals are made for just that!
3. You see progress.
By the time summer rolls around you can look back and see how far you’ve come. What goals need tweaking? What goals have officially become habits? What goals haven’t been met and why? It creates a timeline of what you’ve accomplished or what still needs finished.
Today is about inspiring you to gear up for what you hope to be, see, and do in 2014. So grab a pen and notebook and start dreaming! The following information is a guide to help you plan. You are actually getting a sneak peek into a few of my own personal goals. At the end of the post I will share some sites that have deemed helpful for me in my own personal journal of goal setting.
Start by setting up some categories. You can add more categories or change them up to fit you. Then below each category write down your goal. Be as specific as you want. My goals are actually very specific but for privacy sake I'm pretty vague on these. Lastly, break these down to monthly, weekly, and daily goals.
- Personal
- Read two books a month.
- Wake up 1-2 hours before the kids.
- brainstorm on some blog ideas
- Spiritual
- Work on creating scripture journals.
- Attend a bible study in January.
- Marriage
- Schedule in some date nights.
- Have a sit down time to plan our family/work/personal weekly schedule.
- Family
- Read more to the kids. Schedule in some sit down reading time.
- Plan out bi-weekly dates with each kid.
- Home
- Work on the backyard.
- Physical
- Workout five times a week.
I know it can seem overwhelming so do what works for you. Only you know you! Write them in a journal, use the Evernote app, empty calendar, or on a plain piece of paper. The more intentional you are with your life you'll begin to live with purpose. A simple life, a scheduled life, will feel less chaotic.
Additional Resources:
- Under Free Downloads you’ll find freezer cooking planners, house-hold management forms & menu planners. I’ve used her stuff a lot and I love it!
- This lady is the Queen of Organization & Planning! For a mother of 8 she is definitely on top of things! If you don’t know where to even begin she sells great planners on her site too!
- This site has some good schedule, routines, and habits for your home.
Power Verses:
Ecclesiastes 5:3
For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words.
Proverbs 21:5
The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.
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