Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do You Make the Savior Attractive?

Not everyone will have a Paul moment (read Acts 9:1-19) or a burning bush experience (read Exodus 3:1-14). We can’t physically see God. Sometimes the only “Jesus” people will see or experience is you and me.

Are you kind? Loving? Self-controlled? Do you bear the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?

Do you draw people towards Christ or away from him? Do people gravitate towards your joyful spirt or are they disgusted by our actions, lack of patience, or love for one another? 

It is Mark Twain who said, “Action speaks louder than words…” 

Just within 1 Thessalonians 5 we are commanded to…

  • Encourage one another (v.11)
  • Build each other up(v.11)
  • Live in peace with each other (v.13)
  • Be joyful always (v. 16)

Today, find opportunities and live in such a way that will draw all people unto the Living God (John 12:32). 

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